Publications on Asian Elephants 2020
T.D. Allendorf, B. Gurung, S. Poudel, S. Dahal & S. Thapa
Using community knowledge to identify potential hotspots of mammal diversity in southeastern Nepal
Biodiversity and Conservation 29 (2020) 933-946 Abstract/Download
N.R. Anoop & T. Ganesh
The forests and elephants of Wayanad: Challenges for future conservation
Current Science 118 (2020) 362-367 Abstract/Download
L. Baker & R. Winkler
Asian elephant rescue, rehabilitation and rewilding
Animal Sentience 5 (28) (2020) e296 Abstract/Download
P. Bansiddhi, J.L. Brown, C. Thitaram, V. Punyapornwithaya & K. Nganvongpanit
Elephant tourism in Thailand: A review of animal welfare practices and needs
Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science 23 (2020) 164-177 Abstract/Download
L.P. Barrett & S. Benson-Amram
Can Asian elephants use water as a tool in the floating object task?
Animal Behavior and Cognition 7 (2020) 310-326 Abstract/Download
U. Bechert, J.M. Christensen, J. Kottwitz, D. Boothe, S. Alshahrani & S. Mohammed
Pharmacokinetics of orally administered flunixin meglumine in African (Loxodonta africana) and Asian (Elephas maximus) elephants
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 51 (2020) 905-914 Abstract/Download
J.L. Brown, R. Corea, A. Dangolla, E.K. Easwaran, S. Mikota, Z.M. Oo, K. Sarma & C. Thitaram
Management and care of captive Asian elephant bulls in musth
Gajah 52 (2020) 60-63 Download
L.E. Cartier, M.S. Krzemnicki, M. Gysi, B. Lendvay & N.V. Morf
A case study of ivory species identification using a combination of morphological, gemmological and genetic methods
Journal of Gemmology 37 (2020) 282-297 Abstract/Download
R. Cazzolla Gatti & A. Velichevskaya
Certified “sustainable” palm oil took the place of endangered Bornean and Sumatran large mammals habitat and tropical forests in the last 30 years
Science of The Total Environment 742 (2020) e140712 Abstract/Download
N.D. Chatterjee & M. Mandal
Human-elephant conflict in Panchet Forest Division, Bankura, West Bengal, India
Gajah 51 (2020) 10-15 Download
E. Chaudhary, P. Jouquet, C. Rumpel & R. Sukumar
Chemical parameters of decomposing dung in tropical forest as indicators of feeding behaviour of large herbivores: A step beyond classical stoichiometry
Ecological Indicators 115 (2020) e106407 Abstract/Download
H.M. Chel, T. Iwaki, M. Hmoon, Y.N. Thaw, N.C. Soe, S.Y. Win, S. Bawm, L.L. Htun, M.M. Win, Z.M. Oo, M.A. Masum, O. Ichii, R. Nakao, N. Nonaka & K. Katakura
Morphological and molecular identification of cyathostomine gastrointestinal nematodes of Murshidia and Quilonia species from Asian elephants in Myanmar
International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 11 (2020) 294-301 Abstract/Download
H.M. Chel, R. Nakao, N. Ohsawa, Z.M. Oo, N. Nonaka & K. Katakura
First record and analysis of the COI gene of Cobboldia elephantis obtained from a captive Asian elephant from Myanmar
Parasitology International 75 (2020) e102035 Abstract/Download
S.E. Childs-Sanford, A.J. Makowski & J.J. Wakshlag
The vitamin D status of Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) managed in a northern temperate climate
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 51 (2020) 1-12 Abstract/Download
Russell Clemens
Asian elephant futures: A causal layered analysis with Gregory Bateson in mind
World Futures Review 12 (2020) 55-80 Abstract/Download
J.A.H. Crawley, M. Lahdenperä, Z.M. Oo, W. Htut, H. Nandar & V. Lummaa
Taming age mortality in semi-captive Asian elephants
Scientific Reports 10 (2020) e1889 Abstract/Download
J.P. Das, B.P. Lahkar, H.K. Sahu & H. Singha
Population estimation of Asian elephants in a tropical forest of northeast India
Gajah 52 (2020) 15-23 Download
R. De, P. Nigam, A.C. Williams & S.P. Goyal
Multi-gene mtDNA primers for use with non-invasive sampling of Asian elephants
Gajah 52 (2020) 24-29 Download
S. Debata & K.K. Swain
Mammalian fauna in an urban in uenced zone of Chandaka-Dampara Wildlife Sanctuary in Odisha, India
Journal of Threatened Taxa 12 (2020) 15767-15775 Abstract/Download
K. Denninger Snyder & D. Rentsch
Rethinking assessment of success of mitigation strategies for elephant-induced crop damage
Conservation Biology 34 (2020) 829-842 Abstract/Download
G.J. Drake, J. Haycock, A. Dastjerdi, H. Davies & F.J. Lopez
Use of immunostimulants in the successful treatment of a clinical EEHV1A infection in an Asian elephant (Elephas maximus)
Vet Record Case Reports 8 (2020) e001158 Abstract/Download
S. Dror, F. Harich, O. Duangphakdee, T. Savini, Ákos Pogány, J. Roberts, J. Geheran & A.C. Treydte
Are Asian elephants afraid of honeybees? Experimental studies in northern Thailand
Mammalian Biology 100 (2020) 355-363 Abstract/Download
M.E. England, P. Pearce-Kelly, V.A. Brugman, S. King, S. Gubbins, F. Sach, C.J. Sanders, N.J. Masters, E. Denison & S. Carpenter
Culicoides species composition and molecular identification of host blood meals at two zoos in the UK
Parasites & Vectors 13 (2020) e139 Abstract/Download
N. Ertl, P. Wendler, E. Sós, M. Flügger, F. Schneeweis, C. Schiffmann, J.-M. Hatt & M. Clauss
Theory of medical scoring systems and a practical method to evaluate Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) foot health in European zoos
Animal Welfare 29 (2020) 163-176 Abstract/Download
L.J. Evans, B. Goossens, A.B. Davies, G. Reynolds, & G.P. Asnera
Natural and anthropogenic drivers of Bornean elephant movement strategies
Global Ecology and Conservation 22 (2020) e00906 Abstract/Download
E. Evison, A. McKenzie & L. Holmes
Social and environmental impacts on sleep in captive Asian elephants (Elephas maximus)
Zoo Biology 39 (2020) 397-404 Abstract/Download
K.M. Ewart, A.L. Lightson, F.T. Sitam, J.J. Rovie-Ryan, N. Mather & R. McEwing
Expediting the sampling, decalcification, and forensic DNA analysis of large elephant ivory seizures to aid investigations and prosecutions
Forensic Science International: Genetics 44 (2020) e102187 Abstract/Download
P. Fernando, S.K.K. Ekanayaka & J. Pastorini
The elephant at the fence: almsman, panhandler, friend or foe?
European Journal of Wildlife Research 66 (2020) e97 Abstract/Download
A. Fuery, T. Pursell, J. Tan, R. Peng, P.D. Burbelo, G.S. Hayward & P.D. Ling
Lethal hemorrhagic disease and clinical illness associated with elephant endotheliotropic herpesvirus 1 are caused by primary infection: Implications for the detection of diagnostic proteins
Journal of Virology 94 (2020) e01528-19 Abstract/Download
S.S. Glaeser, K.L. Edwards, N. Wielebnowski & J.L. Brown
Effects of physiological changes and social life events on adrenal glucocorticoid activity in female zoo-housed Asian elephants (Elephas maximus)
PLoS ONE 15 (2020) e0241910 Abstract/Download
V.P. Govindan, P.M. Dhakate & A. Uniyal
Management of chronic purulent temporal adenitis in a captive Asian elephant
Gajah 51 (2020) 31-32 $2744
A.M. Greene, P. Panyadee, A. Inta & M.A. Huffman
Asian elephant self-medication as a source of ethnoveterinary knowledge among Karen mahouts in northern Thailand
Journal of Ethnopharmacology 259 (2020) e112823 Abstract/Download
B.G. Grenus, E. Latimer, A. Cullinane, P. Lyons, G. Creighton & F.B. Nutter
Evaluation of the efficacy of two different sampling sites for the detection of elephant endotheliotropic herpesvirus (EEHV) in three Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) in Ireland
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 51(2020) 303-307 Abstract/Download
T. Guntawang, T. Sittisak, S. Srivorakul, V. Kochagul, K. Photichai, C. Thitaram, N. Sthitmatee, W.-L. Hsu & K. Pringproa
In vivo characterization of target cells for acute elephant endotheliotropic herpesvirus (EEHV) infection in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus)
Scientific Reports 10 (2020) e11402 Abstract/Download
C. He, J. Du, D. Zhu & L. Zhang
Population viability analysis of small population: A case study for Asian elephant in China
Integrative Zoology 15 (2020) 350-362 Abstract/Download
P. Hengtrakul, P. Sudlapa, N. Chaisurat, S. Sodsaengthien, C. Chamnankij, S. Noimoon, C. Punkong, S. Phatthanakunanan, P. Lertwatcharasarakul & S. Sripiboon
Biological and environmental factors associated with the detection of elephant endotheliotropic herpesvirus in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) in Thailand
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 82 (2020) 1808-1815 Abstract/Download
H. Hoelzig, T. Muenster, S. Blanke, G. Kloess, R. Garmasukis & A. Koenig
Ivory vs. osseous ivory substitutes – Non-invasive diffractometric discrimination
Forensic Science International 308 (2020) e110159 Abstract/Download
F.G. Horgan & E.P. Kudavidanage
Farming on the edge: Farmer training to mitigate human-wildlife conflict at an agricultural frontier in south Sri Lanka
Crop Protection 127 (2020) e104981 Abstract/Download
S.R. Hota, S. Sahoo, M. Dash, A. Pahar, B. Mohanty & N. Sahoo
Molecular detection of Murshidia linstowi in a free-ranging dead elephant calf
Journal of Threatened Taxa 12 (2020) 15359-15363 Abstract/Download
C. Huang, X. Li, W. Hu & X. Jiang
Predicting indirect effects of transportation network expansion on Asian elephants: Implications for environmental impact assessments
BioTropica 52 (2020) 196-202 Abstract/Download
J. Jackson, K.U. Mar, W. Htut, D.Z. Childs & V. Lummaa
Changes in age-structure over four decades were a key determinant of population growth rate in a long-lived mammal
Journal of Animal Ecology 89 (2020) 2268-2278 Abstract/Download
S. Jakeer, M. Varma, J. Sharma, F. Mattoo, D. Gupta, J. Singh, M. Kumar & N.A. Gaur
Metagenomic analysis of the fecal microbiome of an adult elephant reveals the diversity of CAZymes related to lignocellulosic biomass degradation
Symbiosis 81 (2020) 209-222 Abstract/Download
A. Jayadevan, R. Nayak, K.K. Karantha, J. Krishnaswamy, R. De Fries, K.U. Karantha & S. Vaidyanathan
Navigating paved paradise: Evaluating landscape permeability to movement for large mammals in two conservation priority landscapes in India
Biological Conservation 247 (2020) e108613 Abstract/Download
A. Jeffrey, T.S. Evans, C. Molter, L.L. Howard, P. Ling, T. Goldstein & K. Gilardi
Noninvasive sampling for detection of elephant endotheliotropic herpesvirus and genomic DNA in Asian (Elephas maximus) and African (Loxodanta africana) elephants
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 51 (2020) 433-437 Abstract/Download
J. Jerang, V. Vanitha & N. Baskaran
Demography, feeding and keeper status of captive Asian elephants in eastern Arunachal Pradesh, north-eastern India
Gajah 52 (2020) 30-38 Download
F. Jiang, P. Song, J. Zhang, Z. Cai, X. Chi, H. Gao, W. Qin, S. Li & T. Zhang
Assessing the impact of climate change on the spatio-temporal distribution of foot-and-mouth disease risk for elephants
Global Ecology and Conservation 23 (2020) e01176 Abstract/Download
T. Kalam, T.A. Puttaveeraswamy, R.K. Srivastava, J.-P. Puyravaud & P. Davidar
Spatial aggregation and specificity of incidents with wildlife make tea plantations in southern India potential buffers with protected areas
Journal of Threatened Taxa 12 (2020) 16478-16493 Abstract/Download
J. Kambe, Y. Sasaki, R. Inoue, S. Tomonaga, T. Kinjo, G. Watanabe, W. Jin & K. Nagaoka
Analysis of infant microbiota composition and the relationship with breast milk components in the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) at the Zoo
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 82 (2020) 983-989 Abstract/Download
T. Kanazawa, N. Nishimura, S. Hanzawa, M. Andou, Y. Shoji, M. Senzaki & K. Murata
Changes in the activity budget of captive Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) after introducing an automatic feeder
Animal Behaviour and Management 56 (2020) 63-70 Abstract/Download
S. Kandel, S. Sripiboon, P. Jenjaroenpun, D.W. Ussery, I. Nookaew, M.S. Robeson II, & T. Wongsurawata
16S rRNA gene amplicon profiling of baby and adult captive elephants in Thailand
Microbiology Resource Announcements 9 (2020) e00248-20 Abstract/Download
K.K. Karanth & A. Vanamamalai
Wild seve: A novel conservation intervention to monitor and address human-wildlife conflict
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8 (2020) e198 Abstract/Download
P. Keerthipriya, S. Nandini, H. Gautam, T. Revathe & T.N.C. Vidya
Musth and its effects on male-male and male-female associations in Asian elephants
Journal of Mammalogy 101 (2020) 259-270 Abstract/Download
Y. Khadpekar, I. Selvaraj, A.A. Sha & M. Kamalanathan
Clinical management of intestinal impaction and colic in an Asian elephant
Gajah 51 (2020) 26-30 Download
N. Kido, S. Tanaka, T. Omiya, Y. Kamite, K. Sawada, Y. Komatsu, Y. Shoji, M. Senzaki, S. Hanzawa, M. Ando & I. Suto
Emotion estimation using a wearable heart rate monitoring device in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) during veterinary clinical procedures
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 82 (2020) 856-860 Abstract/Download
R. Kobayashi, K. Nagaoka, N. Nishimura, S. Koike, E. Takahashi, K. Niimi, H. Murase, T. Kinjo, T. Tsukahara & Ryo Inoue
Comparison of the fecal microbiota of two monogastric herbivorous and five omnivorous mammals
Animal Science Journal 91 (2020) e13366 Abstract/Download
A. Kshettry, S. Vaidyanathan, R. Sukumar & V. Athreya
Looking beyond protected areas: Identifying conservation compatible landscapes in agro-forest mosaics in north- eastern India
Global Ecology and Conservation 22 (2020) e00905 Abstract/Download
A. Larramendi, H. Zhang, M.R. Palombo & M.P. Ferretti
The evolution of Palaeoloxodon skull structure: Disentangling phylogenetic, sexually dimorphic, ontogenetic, and allometric morphological signals
Quaternary Science Reviews 229 (2020) e106090 Abstract/Download
V.P.W. Loke, T. Lim & A. Campos-Arceiz
Hunting practices of the Jahai indigenous community in northern peninsular Malaysia
Global Ecology and Conservation 21 (2020) e00815 Abstract/Download
F. Li, S. Lu, X. Xie, S. Fan, D. Chen, S. Wu & J. He
Antiviral properties of extracts of Streptomyces sp. SMU 03 isolated from the feces of Elephas maximus
Fitoterapia 143 (2020) e104600 Abstract/Download
I. Lueders & W.R.T. Allen
Managed wildlife breeding-an undervalued conservation tool?
Theriogenology 150 (2020) 48-54 Abstract/Download
C.T. Ly, V. Hung, N.C.T. Anh, H.D. Bao, P.D.P. Quoc, H.T. Khanh, N.V. Minh, N.T.H. Cam & C.D. Cuong
A pilot study of cultivating non-preferred crops to mitigate human-elephant conflict in the buffer zone of Yok Don National Park, Vietnam
Gajah 51 (2020) 4-9 Download
C.L. Lynsdale, N.O. Mon, D.J. F. dos Santos, H.H. Aung, U K. Nyein, W. Htut, D. Childs & V. Lummaa
Demographic and reproductive associations with nematode infection in a long-lived mammal
Scientific Reports 10 (2020) e9214 Abstract/Download
D. Naha, S.K. Dash, A. Chettri, A. Roy & S. Sathyakumar
Elephants in the neighborhood: Patterns of crop-raiding by Asian elephants within a fragmented landscape of Eastern India
PeerJ 8 (2020) e9399 Abstract/Download
Alireza Nasoori
Tusks, the extra-oral teeth
Archives of Oral Biology 117 (2020) e104835 Abstract/Download
D. Neupane, Y. Kwon, T.S. Risch & R.L. Johnson
Changes in habitat suitability over a two decade period before and after Asian elephant recolonization
Global Ecology and Conservation 22 (2020) e01023 Abstract/Download
S. Ngamkala, T. Angkawanish, W. Nokkaew & N. Thongtip
Serological study on brucellosis in captive elephants (Elephas maximus) and stray dogs in North Thailand
Veterinary World 13 (2020) 1992-1997 Abstract/Download
Z.M. Oo, Y.H. Aung, T.T. Aung, N. San, Z.M. Tun, G.S. Hayward & A. Zachariah
Elephant endotheliotropic herpesvirus hemorrhagic disease in Asian elephant calves in logging camps, Myanmar
Emerging Infectious Diseases 26 (2020) 63-69 Abstract/Download
J. Pastorini, S. Pilapitiya & P. Fernando
Wild Asian elephant twins in Sri Lanka
Gajah 52 (2020) 48-50 Download
S. Paudel & S. Sreevatsan
Tuberculosis in elephants: Origins and evidence of interspecies transmission
Tuberculosis 123 (2020) e101962 Abstract/Download
M. Perera & R. Vandercone
Some aspects of seed dispersal by Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) in Kaudulla National Park, Sri Lanka
Current Science 118 (2020) 648-654 Abstract/Download
I.M. Permata & E. Wahyuni
Behind the Ivory Trade Shutdown in China
Journal of International Wildlife Law & Policy 23 (2020) 151-165 Abstract/Download
K.L. Perrin, A.T. Kristensen, C. Gray, S.S. Nielsen, M.F. Bertelsen & M. Kjelgaard-Hansen
Biological variation of hematology and biochemistry parameters for the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus), and applicability of population-derived reference intervals
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 51 (2020) 643-651 Abstract/Download
A. Pinto, M. Stelvig, C. Costa, J. Colaço & B. Colaço
Influence of male presence on female Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) behaviour in captivity
Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research 8 (2020) 45-49 Abstract/Download
M.J. Potoczniak, M. Chermak, L. Quarino, S.S. Tobe & J. Conte
Development of a multiplex, PCR-based genotyping assay for African and Asian elephants for forensic purposes
International Journal of Legal Medicine 134 (2020) 55–62 Abstract/Download
T.G.S.L. Prakash, W.A.A.D.U. Indrajith, A.M.C.P. Aththanayaka, S. Karunarathna, M. Botejue, V. Nijman & S. Henkanaththegedara
llegal capture and internal trade of wild Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) in Sri Lanka
Nature Conservation 42 (2020) 51-69 Abstract/Download
T.G.S.L. Prakash, A.W. Wijeratne & P. Fernando
Human-elephant conflict in Sri Lanka: Patterns and extent
Gajah 51 (2020) 16-25 Download
K. Puri, R. Joshi & V. Singh
Open garbage dumps near protected areas in Uttarakhand: An emerging threat to Asian Elephants in the Shivalik Elephant Reserve
Journal of Threatened Taxa 12 (2020) 16571-16575 Abstract/Download
M.R. Puspaningrum, G.D. van den Bergh, A.R. Chivas, E. Setiabudi & I. Kurniawan
Isotopic reconstruction of Proboscidean habitats and diets on Java since the Early Pleistocene: Implications for adaptation and extinction
Quaternary Science Reviews 228 (2020) e106007 Abstract/Download
R. Rajapakse, K.L.T. Pham, K.J.K. Karunathilakea, S.P. Lawton & T.H. Leb
Characterization and phylogenetic properties of the complete mitochondrial genome of Fascioloides jacksoni (syn. Fasciola jacksoni) support the suggested intergeneric change from Fasciola to Fascioloides (Platyhelminthes: Trematoda: Plagiorchiida)
Infection Genetics and Evolution 82 (2020) e104281 Abstract/Download
S. Reichert, V. Berger, J. Jackson, S.N. Chapman, W. Htut, K.U. Mar & V. Lummaa
Maternal age at birth shapes offspring life‐history trajectory across generations in long‐lived Asian elephants
Journal of Animal Ecology 89 (2020) 996-1007 Abstract/Download
T. Revathe, S. Anvitha & T.N.C. Vdiya
Development of motor control and behaviour in Asian elephants in the Kabini elephant population, southern India
International Journal of Developmental Biology 64 (2020) 377-392 Abstract/Download
M. Ruetten, H.W. Steinmetz, M. Thiersch, M. Kik, L. Vaughan, S. Altamura, M.U. Muckenthaler & M. Gassmann
Iron regulation in elderly Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) chronically infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Frontiers in Veterinary Science 7 (2020) e596379 Abstract/Download
S. Saaban, M.N. Yasak, M. Gumal, A. Oziar, F. Cheong, Z. Shaari, M. Tyson & S. Hedges
Viability and management of the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) population in the Endau Rompin landscape, Peninsular Malaysia
PeerJ 8 (2020) e8209 Abstract/Download
F. Sach, E.S. Dierenfeld, S.C. Langley-Evans, E. Hamilton, R.M. Lark, L. Yon & M.J. Watts
Potential bio-indicators for assessment of mineral status in elephants
Scientific Reports 10 (2020) e8032 Abstract/Download
S.K. Saha
Innovative way of human-elephant competition mitigation
Journal of Threatened Taxa 12 (2020) 16494-16501 Abstract/Download
O. Saif, R. Kansky, A. Palash, M. Kidd & A.T. Knight
Costs of coexistence: Understanding the drivers of tolerance towards Asian elephants Elephas maximus in rural Bangladesh
Oryx 54 (2020) 603-611 Abstract/Download
D.J.F. dos Santos, V. Berger, R. Cristofari, W. Htut, UK.N., H.H. Aung, S. Reichert & V. Lummaa
Seasonal variation of health in Asian elephants
Conservation Physiology 8 (2020) coaa119 Abstract/Download
D.J.F. dos Santos, J. Jackson, H.H. Aung, U.K. Nyein, W. Htut & V. Lummaa
Sex differences in the reference intervals of health parameters in semicaptive Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) from Myanmar
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 51 (2020) 25-38 Abstract/Download
Willem Schaftenaar
The challenge of obtaining reference values for use in captive animals like elephants
Veterinary Quarterly 40 (2020) 115-117 Abstract/Download
C. Schiffmann
Experiences with the first online monitoring tool for body condition scores in European zoo elephants
Gajah 51 (2020) 42-44 Download
C. Schiffmann, M. Clauss, S. Hoby & J.‐M. Hatt
Weigh and see – Body mass recordings versus body condition scoring in European zoo elephants (Loxodonta africana and Elephas maximus)
Zoo Biology 39 (2020) 97-108 Abstract/Download
C. Schwarz, A. Johncola & M. Hammer
Foraging ecology of semi-free-roaming Asian elephants in northern Thailand
Gajah 52 (2020) 4-14 Download
A. Sengupta, V.V. Binoy & S. Radhakrishna
Human-elephant conflict in Kerala, India: A rapid appraisal using compensation records
Human Ecology 48 (2020) 101-109 Abstract/Download
C.S. Sepalage & R.S. Rajakaruna
Gastrointestinal helminth and protozoan infections of wild mammals in four major national parks in Sri Lanka
Journal of Threatened Taxa 12 (2020) 17093-17104 Abstract/Download
N. Sharma, S.S. Pokharel, S. Kohshima & R. Sukumar
Behavioural responses of free-ranging Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) towards dying and dead conspecifics
Primates 61 (2020) 129-138 Abstract/Download
N. Sharma, V. Prakash S., S. Kohshima & R. Sukumar
Asian elephants modulate their vocalizations when disturbed
Animal Behaviour 160 (2020) 99-111 Abstract/Download
P. Sharma, S. Panthi, S.K. Yadav, M. Bhatta, A. Karki, T. Duncan, M. Poudel & K.P. Acharya
Suitable habitat of wild Asian elephant in Western Terai of Nepal
Ecology and Evolution 10 (2020) 6112-6119 Abstract/Download
N.P. Singh, A.M. Jukar, R. Patnaik, K.M. Sharma, N.A. Singh & Y.P. Singh
The first specimen of Deinotherium indicum (Mammalia, Proboscidea, Deinotheriidae) from the late Miocene of Kutch, India
Journal of Paleontology 94 (2020) 788-795 Abstract/Download
J.E. Smith, C.A. Ortiz, M.T. Buhbe & M. van Vugt
Obstacles and opportunities for female leadership in mammalian societies: A comparative perspective
The Leadership Quarterly 31 (2020) e101267 Abstract/Download
K.D. Snyder & D. Rentsch
Rethinking assessment of success of mitigation strategies for elephant-induced crop damage
Conservation Biology 34 (2020) 829-842 Abstract/Download
S. Songthammanuphap, S. Puthong, C. Pongma, A. Buakeaw, T. Prammananan, S. Warit, W. Tipkantha, E. Kaewkhunjob, W. Yindeeyoungyeon & T. Palaga
Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex infection in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) using an interferon gamma release assay in a captive elephant herd
Scientific Reports 10 (2020) e14551 Abstract/Download
Foteini Spagopoulou
Transgenerational maternal age effects in nature: Lessons learnt from Asian elephants
Journal of Animal Ecology 89 (2020) 936-939 Abstract/Download
S. Sripiboon, W. Ditcham, R. Vaughan-Higgins, B. Jackson, I. Robertson, C. Thitaram, T. Angkawanish, S. Phatthanakunanan, P. Lertwatcharasarakul & K. Warren
Subclinical infection of captive Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) in Thailand with elephant endotheliotropic herpesvirus
Archives of Virology 165 (2020) 397-401 Abstract/Download
S. Sripiboon, P. Dittawong, P. Meetipkit, W. Songsuwankit, A. Jaidee, N. Detcharoenyos, S. Phetdee, P. Santhitisaree, N. Thongtip & W. Tangjitjaroen
Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) suffering from lightning strike successfully treated by integrative veterinary medicine
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 51 (2020) 1067-1071 Abstract/Download
R.B. Suba, N.G.P. Beveridge, W. Kustiawan, G.R. de Snoo, H.H. de Iongh, S.E. van Wieren, Y.H. Choi & H.K. Kim
Food preference of the Bornean elephant (Elephas maximus borneensis) in North Kalimantan Province, Indonesia, and its conservation implications
Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 68 (2020) 791-802 Abstract/Download
K. Takehana, R, Kitani, K. Hatate, R, Onomi & N. Yamagishi
Anthropometric and blood data on a hand-reared captive Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) calf: A retrospective case report
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 82 (2020) 943-947 Abstract/Download
N.R. Talukdar & P. Choudhury
Attitudes and perceptions of the local people on human-elephant conflict in the Patharia Hills Reserve Forest of Assam, India
Proceedings of the Zoological Society 73 (2020) 380-391 Abstract/Download
N.R. Talukdar, P. Choudhury, F. Ahmad, H. Al-Razi & R. Ahmed
Mapping and assessing the transboundary elephant corridor in the Patharia Hills Reserve Forest of Assam, India
Rangeland Ecology & Management 73 (2020) 694-702 Abstract/Download
A.S.L. Tan, J.A. de la Torre, E.P. Wong, V. Thuppil & A. Campos-Arceiz
Factors affecting urban and rural tolerance towards conflict-prone endangered megafauna in Peninsular Malaysia
Global Ecology and Conservation 23 (2020) e01179 Abstract/Download
R. Tang, W. Li, Di Zhu, X. Shang, X. Guo & Li Zhang
Raging elephants: Effects of human disturbance on physiological stress and reproductive potential in wild Asian elephants
Conservation Physiology 8 (2020) e106 Abstract/Download
S.N. Teng, C. Xu, L. Teng & J.-C. Svenning
Long-term effects of cultural filtering on megafauna species distributions across China
PNAS 117 (2020) 486-493 Abstract/Download
L.D. Thewarage, D.S.B. Dissanayake, U.S. Perera, A.T. Bandara, B.V.P. Perera, S. Wickramasinghe & R.P.V.J. Rajapakse
Morphology and molecular characterization of Parabronema smithii (Cobbold, 1882) (Nematoda: Habronematidae) from wild Asian elephant (Elephas maximus maximus) of Sri Lanka
Acta Parasitologica 65 (2020) 504-517 Abstract/Download
C. Thitaram, S. de Silva, P. Soorae, S. Daim & A.B.L. Pérez
Guidelines for the rehabilitation of captive elephants as a possible restocking option for wild populations
Gajah 52 (2020) 56-59 Download
P. Toin, J.L. Brown, V. Punyapornwithay, P. Bansiddhi, C. Somgird & C. Thitaram
Reproductive performance of captive Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) in large tourist camps in Thailand
Animal Reproduction Science 222 (2020) e106606 Abstract/Download
A. van de Water, L.E. King, R. Arkajak, J. Arkajak, N. van Doormaal, V. Ceccarelli, L. Sluiter, S.M. Doornwaard, V. Praet, D. Owen & K. Matteson
Beehive fences as a sustainable local solution to human-elephant conflict in Thailand
Conservation Science and Practice 2 (2020) e260 Abstract/Download
D. Vasudev & V.R. Goswami
A Bayesian hierarchical approach to quantifying stakeholder attitudes toward conservation in the presence of reporting error
Conservation Biology 34 (2020) 515-526 Abstract/Download
D.Vasudev, V.R. Goswami, P. Hait, P. Sharma, B. Joshi, Y. Karpate & P.K. Prasad
Conservation opportunities and challenges emerge from assessing nuanced stakeholder attitudes towards the Asian elephant in tea estates of Assam, Northeast India
Global Ecology and Conservation 22 (2020) e00936 Abstract/Download
S. Vijayakrishnan, M.A. Kumar & A. Sinha
The elephant in the room: A review of current methods, challenges and concerns in the monitoring of Asian elephant populations
Gajah 52 (2020) 39-47 Download
Z. Wang, Z. Li, Y. Tang, C. Yao, Y. Liu, G. Jiang, F. Wang, L. Liang, W. Zhao, G. Zhu & M. Chen
China's dams isolate Asian elephants
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P. Wendler, N. Ertl, M. Flügger, E. Sós, P. Torgerson, P.P. Heym, C. Schiffmann, M. Clauss & J.‐M. Hatt
Influencing factors on the foot health of captive Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) in European zoos
Zoo Biology 39 (2020) 109-120 Abstract/Download
G. Wilson, R.J. Gray & H. Sofyan
Identifying the variation in utilization density estimators and home ranges of elephant clans in Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia
European Journal of Wildlife Research 66 (2020) e88 Abstract/Download
Joeri Witteveen & Staffan Müller-Wille
Of elephants and errors: Naming and identity in Linnaean taxonomy
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 42 (2020) e43 Abstract/Download
S. Yasui & G. Idani
The effect of proximity relations to mahouts on social behaviors among captive Asian elephants (Elephas maximus)
Animal Behaviour and Management 56 (2020) 1-7 Abstract/Download